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Who am I?

Name: Laura Furmage.


Teaching experience: Early Years Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2. 


Leadership Responsibilities: Well-being and Mental health Lead, Pedagogy Lead, Teacher development coordinator, Initial Teacher Trainee Senior General Mentor and Phase Leader. 


Bio: I am a passionate primary school teacher, leader and coach to the profession.



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My Story

Primarily, I am an education professional who is passionate about keeping experienced teachers in education. I have been a classroom teacher for over 12 years and in that time I have worked with fantastic mentors who have guided me through some truly difficulties. Thanks to these individuals who have shown me ways to navigate through the academic year, I continued my journey in education. I am well aware that I have been fortunate because I have worked in supportive schools and there are educators who do not have that support which is why I created Balanced Educators, to help support you. 

Well-being and mental health are terms that are continually discussed in schools and, more often than not, they are buzz words from above that do not always directly impact you in the the way you might hope. Now I am not a magician who can wave a magic wand and take away all the paperwork that goes alongside teaching, but I can support you along this journey. 

In addition to my classroom experience, I am a qualified assessor coach, a meditation teacher and mindfulness teacher.  Within my assessor coach role, I have been supporting educators for several years in schools. This then expanded to Multi-Academy Trust and now I am looking to cast my net wider as I support other educators who wish for help outside of their employer.  Very few schools have support in place to help teachers lead a balanced life. As the mental health and well-being lead at the school I work in,  it became clear very quickly that what is needed is support, opportunities to talk, and building a social acceptance that working a 70 hour week is not acceptable! This is only possible if we, as educators, lead by example, remove the guilt and set expectations from the outset.  I am not for a moment suggesting that I am the perfect example of a teacher. I too have nearly walked away but even with bumps appearing around every corner, I am still on this journey and now I would like to bring you along with me. 



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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